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When we were living in Nebraska, we loved to take our boat A Little Knotty to Branched Oak Lake near Lincoln to boat and camp. One year when we were camping over the 4th of July weekend, Ron came up with this recipe for barbecued ribs.

Branched Oak Ribs

  • Ingredients:

  • 1 rack pork ribs
  • 1 12 ounce beer
  • Barbecue sauce (recipe follows)
  • Hickory chips for barbecue
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1. Soak hickory chips in water for 1/2 hour.

2. Light charcoal in a grill with a cover. When coals are ready, add soaked hickory chips.

3. If necessary, cut rib rack in half to fit grill. Place on barbecue rack over hot coals. Baste with beer and cook, with grill covered, until browned, about 40 minutes.

4. Remove ribs from barbecue and place in foil or pan with a cover. Baste liberally with barbecue sauce and add 1 cup beer. Seal foil completely, or cover pan. Move coals to outside of grill to maintain an indirect heat, about 325 degrees. Roast with grill covered for 1-1/2 to 2 hours.

5. Remove ribs from foil or pan and place directly on barbecue rack over hot coals. Cook for about 20 minutes, basting with barbecue sauce.

Barbecue Sauce for Ribs

Mix ingredients together and baste ribs as directed in recipe for Branched Oak Ribs.